Adding IE 9 pinned sites and pinned list support to your site

So you may or may not have heard about some of the great features coming out in Internet explorer 9. One of these new features that many developers will be interested in, is Pinned Sites. Although some of you may be a little upset by Microsoft’s decision to deviate from web standards once again, others may like the added functionality this allows you to provide your users – either way let’s take a look.

Website feeling overweight? Slim it down with Smush.It

Websites are becoming complicated and bloated beasts that their forefathers wouldn’t recognise for all their fantangleness. International access to broadband aside, there is a time and place for high-res images and the like – and general content pages are not one of them. If you’ve found yourself falling into the trap of having a beautiful looking site that takes an hour to download, Smush.It is for you.

Automatic NTLM Logon for ASP.Net, TFS & SharePoint sites with IE & FireFox

NTLM Authentication for websites is a great addition to the bat-belt when writing ASP.Net sites. Additionally it is also a great to have support for it in Team Foundation & SharePoint portals. However as great as having support for NTLM authentication may be, having to enter & re-enter your credentials when surfing Intranet or Extranet sites can be an annoyance that is just not worth it.

Why it’s FireFox, not IE that should be worried about Chrome

When Chrome was first launched by Google, and the media found out about it, they proposed that Google had Microsoft firmly in it’s sights and was potentially about to start a new browser war, i beg to differ in my opinion on this. Internet Explorer has one major advantage that no other browser has, and for the near future at least, will continue to have: locked in marketshare in enterprise and all new copies of Windows. Internet Explorer will never be crushed. No matter how crap Internet Explorer becomes, it has the (some may say unfair, but i believe that’s life) advantage of already being installed 90% of the time. So who should really be afraid of Chrome spreading its wings? Apple and Mozilla and if you still care: Opera.

Manually publishing Internet Explorer 6 for use with Windows XP Mode

For those of you kiddies loving you Windows 7 goodness you may have discovered that from a web development point of view having an Internet Explorer 6 installation without much hassle is a pretty cool thing. Although the fact that you have to launch Windows Xp mode up and can’t use it as a “native” application by launching it from within Windows 7 is a bit of a let down. Let’s fix that :)