Retrieving a Flickr Photo ID from a URL using RegEx

While working on a recent Flickr/Google Maps mashup i needed to make it as simple for users to share their Flickr photos as possible. What is easier than simply asking them to enter the Flickr photo page URL? Using this I'll show you a simple way to use RegEx to retrieve the photo ID part of the URL using c# as well as a JavaScript RegEx version for your ASP.Net RegEx validators. Lets get to it!

Upgrading Umbraco from 3 to 4 – Not all smooth sailing

If you have ever had to setup or manage an Umbraco installation you will know both the pleasure and the occasional pain that it can bring. Umbraco is part of the growing list of “oober cool” up and coming Dot Net CMS that are getting attention in the “get it up quick” world of marketing driven sites in the market place (Ford Australia for example). I recently had to upgrade a clients installation from 3.0.5 to and the story that follows will hopefully help someone in a similar position so that they can revel in the same relief that I do currently.